Last year, there were 32 school shootings in the United States, resulting in 21 deaths and 42 injur…
[2025-02-17]In April, Congress passed a law banning TikTok due to the perceived national security risks, includ…
[2025-01-20]As the weather warmed up, most high school students are taking time out to relax and enjoy their we…
[2024-12-30]Directed by Layla J. Williams, produced by Princeton University, and written by Daniel Beaty, the o…
[2024-12-16]As the back-to-school season is around the corner, students and teachers share similar questions ab…
[2024-11-18]From batting prehistoric monsters to racing your friends, video games offer a wide array of enterta…
[2024-10-21]We’ve been living in a car, parked in the same lot, for the entire day. The intense June sunlight a…
[2024-09-23]최근 들어 부쩍 학부모들의 질문이 많아졌다. 대부분의 이유를 들면 재정보조 진행과정과 지원받은 재정보조 결과에 대해 전혀 예상치 못한 문제들이 발생한 것이다. 한번은 어떤 학부모…
[2024-08-26]Revolutionary innovations are constantly sprouting through social media outlets, and the addition o…
[2024-08-19]According to, “In a small 2007 study, participants listed 10 of their most significa…
[2024-08-05]s the weather warmed up, most high school students are taking time out to relax and enjoy their wel…
[2024-07-22]Scrolling through a virtual world, we are spectators of something unexpected. From our opinions to …
[2024-07-08]Often referred to as its hidden jewel, Villa Park is a quaint, yet charming city lying in the heart…
[2024-06-24]To achieve a state of happiness and satisfaction is set at different thresholds for each individual…
[2024-06-10]by Isaac Kim (PVPHS / 10th Grade)The Supreme Court is poised to rule against democracy.On April 26,…
[2024-05-13]Ellie Byun Santiago High School 10th GradeWhether it’s the nachos from the snack bar, the family bo…
[2024-04-29]Nigeria is a very populated country with more than 600 people per square mile, nearly double the po…
[2024-04-15]Nearly four years ago, schools, workplaces, and many other services switched from in-person to virt…
[2024-04-01]When it comes to paying for any services nowadays - like haircuts, taxis, restaurants - the tip opt…
[2024-03-18]As of August 2023, the BRICS nations have announced that Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argen…
[2024-03-04]EBT카드 보안 강화 내용도 포함연방정부의 EBT 카드(푸드스탬프) 스키밍 사기 피해자들이 끊이지 않고 있는 가운데 연방의회 차원에서 사기 피…
2025년 세금보고 시즌이 시작됐다. 전문가들은 올해 세금 신고 준비 시 유의할 사항으로 연방 표준 공제액이 전반적으로 인상됐음을 알렸다. 부…
도널드 트럼프 행정부가 뮌헨안보회의에서 오랜 동맹인 유럽 국가들을 비난하면서 우크라이나 종전 협상에서도 배제하겠다는 뜻을 노골적으로 드러내자 …